How to Create a Blog

Here is what you need to do to create your own blog:
  1. Start a Google account if you don't already have one. You can do this at
  2. Go to and set up a new account using your gmail address.
  3. Choose a topic for your blog. It has to be on teaching a foreign/second language. For example, you could choose a topic such as Teaching Children to Read and Write Better in French, or Web Resources for Adult Learners of German, or Media Resources for the English Class, etc. Please do not choose a broad topic such as Teaching French. Make sure your blog identifies a specific audience and, if possible, specific skills or types of resources.
  4. Choose a name (preferably short) and url for your blog that reflects your topic, and then provide a good description of your topic for your audience. This description should clearly describe the intended audience and contents of your blog. Please choose a topic that is relevant for your teaching context.
  5. Follow the steps provided in to create your user profile (add a picture!), and select your choice of layout and settings. You are free to choose any kind of setting and gadgets for your blog. I only require the following:
    a) Allow comments from your classmates. To do this, choose Settings-Comments-Show-Registered Users-Embedded Below Posts.
    b) Select Show Posting Date. (In fact, what you need to do is *not* select Hide Posting Date. Blogger shows the posting date by default.)
    If you decide to continue your blog after the course finishes, you can easily remove these setting requirements by changing the setting options.
  6. Post a comment here (like in my comment example below). Choose subscribe, then post a comment that includes the url of your blog. This way I'll be able to copy it and provide a link to our blog in Teach L2.


  1. Check out my new blog - Instructional Technology Resources for Language Teachers at
    I hope you find it useful.


    Is this right?
    I should just post my blog here
    after I created it?
    I will be adding a picture in the next day or two.
    I'm not at my own computer right now.


  3. D Moon up in here!

    Holla at your boy! <--that's real academic-like, right?

  4. I have spent way too much time trying to get this blog up and running! Thank goodness for my son Dylan, who has helped me enormously. Unfortunately, I don't seem to find navigation in cyberspace intuitive. :( One question we couldn't figure out was how to wrap the text 'about me' around the photo. I liked that look in other blogs.

    Please let me know if I have not completed the assignment correctly!
    Thank you.

  5. Janet, I'm sorry you had to spend so much time to set up your blog. This activity was not meant to give you so much trouble. Your blog looks great! You have completed the assignment amazingly well. Many thanks to Dylan!!

    I don't think you can wrap up the text around the photo in blogger. If anyone knows, please explain.

  6. I also created a blog, but I don't know how to link it to yours!

  7. Evgenia, I have to create the link in mine to yours. I need the url of your blog. You can either post it here or send me the url via email. I look forward to seeing it!


  9. Evgenia, I just listed your blog in our blog list. It looks really nice. Please post information about your teaching context so that those who want to comment in your blog provide feedback, recommendations, etc. relevant to your teaching context. Thanks!

  10. The URL for my blog is

    I don't understand why the text wraps in the About Me. It may be template-related, but I couldn't find any formatting options. It's strange, because I have the same About Me in my other blog, & the text doesn't wrap. It would be nice to know how to control it.

  11. The URL for my blog is

  12. My blog is called Activities for Adult ESL learners. The URL is

  13. Here is my blog

  14. Hello!

    here's my blog:

  15. Hi!

    Here's my blog -
